A Combination of Simultaneous, Multimedia
Solo Projects

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"We hear it everywhere these days. Time for a new story. Some enthusiastic sweep of narrative that becomes, overnight, the myth of our times. A container for all this ecological trouble, this peak-oil business, this malaise of numbness that seems to shroud even the most privileged. A new story. Just the one. That simple. Painless. Everything solved. Lovely and neat... As things stand, I don’t believe we will get a story worth hearing until we witness a culture broken open by its own consequence… I think it’s time we went looking for the small gods again.” ‘Small Gods’, Dr Martin Shaw

Opening, appropriately and poetically, the day after the longest day (Summer Solstice), Anima-Mundi presents a selection of unique, multimedia, solo projects, from artists who’s work weaves the prosaic with the romantic, elemental, wild and visionary, under the overarching title of ‘Animism’...

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‘Animism’ includes the following projects: ’That Luminous Body That Care of The Soul’ by Harriet Bell, a series of ambiguous, exquisite, works on paper seemingly tracing the journey of souls. Also included is 'Out of the Earth’ by Tessa Farmer, where a number of miniature sculptural dioramas depict an allegorical battle ground between fairies and the animal kingdom. Also featured is ‘The Hail Glow’ from Jamie Mills and Jim Carter, an exhibition consisting of sound, sculpture, photography and story creating a multidimensional experience bringing together human and animal, grief and transcendence, the real and the mystical. Finally ‘Small Gods’ a spoken word sound piece sees celebrated mythologist, author and storyteller Dr Martin Shaw discusses the potent relevance of myth as the perennial language of the earth.

‘Animism’ provides an exciting access point for esoteric and sacred stories, suggesting that the archaic, visionary or mythic may yet have an important role to play in these most turbulent and often disconnected times.

In far reaching West Cornwall, where ancient stories of man, land and sea emanate, ‘Animism’ creates a valued space for reverie and deep reflective thought.

THE EXHIBITIONS (click to view) :