
EXHIBITION DATES : 28/5 - 11/7/2022


‘Redivider - Agent noun of redivide: something that divides or apportions again.’

Anima Mundi are proud to present Luke Routledge’s ‘Redivider’, fresh from recent exhibitions at Kunsthal Gent and The Saatchi Gallery. Routledge’s assemblage of assemblages, where a phantasmagoric caste of grotesques constructed from an ever growing body of figures is installed on the top floor of the gallery.

Routledge’s sculptural output is focused on the description of an alternate society of nonsensical, protohumans, anthropomorphic beings and the speculative fictional multiverse that they call home. This multiverse is used as a framework within which to explore and unite diverse research topics, creating a living, collage territory.

The hypothetical beings that these sculptures represent are positioned as a band of travellers exploring and striving to understand the cosmos they inhabit. They are building their cultures and communities as Routledge, through research, stitches new information into the fabric of their reality. As his research expands to include new topics, the beings transition from place to place - with each presentation they are simultaneously charting the boundaries of their existence.

Central to both the material nature of his sculptures and the narrative setting is the idea of assemblage. His sculptures are constructed in a modular method that allows them to be dismantled and reassembled in new configurations, resulting in new narrative threads emerging across the installations and feeding the stories that he creates.  The sculptures, their tools, possessions and elements of their landscape are predominantly made from an air dry clay material that he has been developing for a number of years. This material can be manipulated to achieve a diverse range of finishes and is used alongside other clays, silicones and CAD components. He combines these elements with altered electronics, treating them as found objects; utilising them to create a semblance of the technology and architecture of this other space, brought to life by animatronic elements.


I believe we exist in a multiverse of universes
— Michio Kaku