
EXHIBITION DATES : In person from 22/12/23 - 3/2/24


We close the year and start the next with an exhibition featuring all of the excellent artists who featured in our 2023 solo programme at Anima Mundi. 

This eclectic and celebratory exhibition will offer visitors a chance to re-visit elements from past shows or perhaps see for the first time what they may have missed at certain points throughout this busy calendar year. 

Summa 23 will feature works by Roy Eastland, David Cooper, Marcelle Hanselaar, Luke Hannam, Sam Lock, Andy Harper, Andrew Litten, Sax Impey, Jim Carter and Faye Eleanor Woods curated over all three floors of the gallery.


LINKS TO OUR 2023 SOLO PROJECTS (In Chronological Order) :

Roy Eastland
‘Displaced Portraits’

David Cooper
’War Hed’

Marcelle Hanselaar
’Rebel Women from the Apocrypha’

Luke Hannam
’God’s Body & The Devil’s Chains’

Sam Lock
’The Memory of What Comes Next’

Andrew Litten
’The Human Shadow (The Animal Smile)’

Andy Harper
’The Mandalas’

Sax Impey
’To The Water’

Jim Carter
’Scraps From The Crow Cult’

Faye Eleanor Woods
’The Grass Are Green, The Flowers Is Brown And Crimson’