Judith Nangala Crispin 'On a night of meteor showers and lit uranium mines...' judithnangalacrispin1broom.jpg

Judith Nangala Crispin 'On a night of meteor showers and lit uranium mines...'

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Martin dreams a barn owl into being, over Mt Jillamatong...' judithnangalacrispin2broom.jpg

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Martin dreams a barn owl into being, over Mt Jillamatong...'

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Her wing caught on a barbed wire fence...' judithnangalacrispin3broom.jpg

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Her wing caught on a barbed wire fence...'

Judith Nangala Crispin 'At season’s end, fireflies fill the ribbon barks...' judithnangalacrispin4broom.jpg

Judith Nangala Crispin 'At season’s end, fireflies fill the ribbon barks...'

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Vincent rises in the stratosphere...' judithnangalacrispin5broom2.jpg

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Vincent rises in the stratosphere...'

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Marcia sounds her wild freedom songs over the houses of the bigots...' judithnangalacrispin6broom2.jpg

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Marcia sounds her wild freedom songs over the houses of the bigots...'

Judith Nangala Crispin 'She remembered running, baby in pouch...' judithnangalacrispin7broom.jpg

Judith Nangala Crispin 'She remembered running, baby in pouch...'

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Leaving his wheelchair, Emmanuel drifts over Canberra...' judithnangalacrispin8broom.jpg

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Leaving his wheelchair, Emmanuel drifts over Canberra...'

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Lily returns to Altair, the brightest of Aquila’s stars...' judithnangalacrispin9broom.jpg

Judith Nangala Crispin 'Lily returns to Altair, the brightest of Aquila’s stars...'

Judith Nangala Crispin 'For ascending night-flyers, the lights of Wangaratta grow increasingly smaller...' judithnangalacrispin10broom.jpg

Judith Nangala Crispin 'For ascending night-flyers, the lights of Wangaratta grow increasingly smaller...'
