Rebecca Harper in the John Moores Painting Prize 2020 Exhibitio


We are delighted that Rebecca Harper has been selected for inclusion in the John Moores Painting Prize 2020 Exhibition at Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.

The John Moores Painting Prize is the UK's most well-known painting competition, bringing together contemporary painting from across the UK.

First held in 1957, the competition was named after its founding sponsor Sir John Moores. The prize is open to all artists working with paint, who are aged 18 years or over and live or are professionally based in the UK. Showcasing the best new painting produced in Britain today, the prize has culminated in an exhibition held at the Walker Art Gallery every two years.

The long list was chosen from a selection of almost 3000 paintings, and the incredible diversity of style and subject really brought to life the breadth of British contemporary painting.

The names of the five prizewinning artists will be shared just before the exhibition opens, with the first prize winner and the Emerging Artist Prize to be announced at the opening of the exhibition.

The exhibition will be held at the Walker Art Gallery on 12 February 2021, running until 27 June 2021.

For more information on the John Moors Painting Prize click here

For more information on Rebecca Harper click here