Jim Carter 'The North and South Star...'

Jim Carter 'The North and South Star...'
Artist : Jim Carter
Title : The North and South Star : 1. Not Descended from a Common Father / 2. I Cast the Lots from the Left Hand
Medium : fox, crow and jackdaw marks, crow feathers, wood from the brook, clay, charcoal, inks, brook water, fox tooth, deer and sheep bone, bracken and willow herb, earth and debris
Dimensions : 66 x 42 x 12 cm / 35 x 33 x 17 cm
break open the chest
if you desire gold, oil, bleach.
let it smother you and see how
your skin blisters, your eyes turn
to dust, the rib cages nothing.
ask him what he has gained,
and he will say / everything.
burrow into his palm and
drain your milk; the North Star
thrashes in his paper folds.
let it blind you and you will see
the narrow skull of a boy, his
hollow cheeks ruddy, the bullet
between his eyes bleeding light.
ask him what he regrets,
and he will say /
Polaris, Brigitta McKeever
Jim Carter was born in Worcestershire in 1967. He received an MA with distinction in Art and Environment from Falmouth University and an MSc Award in Ecopsychology, Centre For Human Ecology. Carter’s work has appeared in The Dark Mountain, About Place Journal, Unpsychology and Earthlines magazine.