Rebecca Harper 'The Shell of the Sacred Water'
Rebecca Harper 'The Shell of the Sacred Water'
Artist : Rebecca Harper
Title : The Shell of the Sacred Water
Medium : acrylic on canvas
Dimensions : 180 x 130 cm
Much of Rebecca Harper’s work has revealed itself through a diasporic consciousness which can often involve a multiplicity of belonging and a sense of difference, often one of ‘otherness’ and displacement. The identity of the displaced positioning is a paradox between location and dislocation, out of place everywhere and not completely anywhere. Generally, the work frames expressions of ‘being’ and manifests itself within an unfolding, wondering, allegoric commentary on the locations that she inhabits and those which inhabit her. Recent work explores a cast of reoccurring characters that rotate around the outskirts of the house that she grew up in, where she also found herself locked down during Covid. This work is a part of a body of work that acknowledges the human and worldly capacity to live at the edge of the precipice. The characters are never seen as portraits as such, more like actors that play a role, filling in for particular people, as they fill a stage. As Rebecca says of the figure who resembles herself; “It feels like perhaps this woman, has almost become a guiding spirit of myself, one of vulnerability and strength in the dealings of uncertainty, instability loss, and grief. She shows up reliably again and again during terrible turbulence.”